> It all started with the newspaper
The newspaper called "ο λεκορμπυζιές" first got published on october 2009.
We published in a total 7 issues, that you can find here
The aim of the newspaper was to create a common reference point for the students of architecture in order to increase the sentiment of community. We wanted to provide an independent sarcastic voice that everyone would love to read, use, copy, follow.
We used a lot of promotion techniques in order to create a wide audience and progressively we integrated some more serious essays in our issues.
wanna know more about the newspaper? Check here!
wanna know more about the newspaper? Check here!
> As a part of our promotion we made the facebook page, which had more appeal than the newspaper itself. After the last issue of the newspaper the facebook page remained our contact with the audience. We keep on feeding this relationship.
> In the meanwhile we were majorly interested into raising awareness in our school on the social aspect of an architects responsibility. When we thought that time was up for us [, we organized a workshop@ntua [our school] under the theme "politics and architecture". The workshop was divided into two parts, first part was an open discussion on the theme, and second part was a multi workshops evening. We proposed 5 different workshops. In the end we realized only one but its ok. All things start from somewhere.
wanna know more about this workshop? check here!
Every mean of expression we used is based on the same principles.
> Sarcastic language,
> greek-isation of english popular words,
> mixing of references [sociology, comics, music, everyday life, architectural theory, general knowledge, internet resources]
> clean aesthetics, cheap-o-effects, punk presentation, collage, handcraft and much more.